Oh yeah, understanding that most people who pay attention to what you’re doing are likely to be supportive, and those who aren’t likely to be supportive probably don’t even care about what you’re doing, is a big one ❤️

There is a really cute meme with those two people on a bus, one looking at the rock cliff outside the window on his side and looking miserable, and the other looking at the beautiful view looking delighted… and in this one the sad person is thinking ‘no one cares 😔’ and the happy person is thinking ‘no one cares 🤩’

It struck SO DEEP for me. Like nobody will care that much if you do something awkwardly, or not the way you meant to, because they don’t even know how you meant to do it. And most people who stick around you already like your vibe. So it makes sense they will continue to like it.

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I think I've seen that meme, too. It's a powerful image. Thank you for reminding me!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Yeah, this is so familiar. I wrote about this last week, and even posting *that* brought up the very fear I was talking about. Meanwhile, when other people talk about it, like you do here, I find it admirable.

I went and read the post in question, and it's great. I'm very happy to have found your work—especially through an authentic, vulnerable post about the terror of putting this work out into the world!

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Rob, you intrigued me enough that I had to go find that post, and it was wonderful! I love the way you held space for your daughter in that moment. And thank you for the kind words here, as well.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I missed that early post where you talked about the risk. Went back, read it, loved it and shared it.

I know one thing for sure. You have taken this step listening to your voice, your gut. That never leads you down. It always takes you to the right place or towards the path to the right place.

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Thank you, Shanjitha! Why is it so easy to believe this for others and so hard to believe for ourselves? 😁

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8 hrs agoLiked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Yeah I felt the same way, many times😂. May be we need more self love in that area. For me when it’s hard sometimes, I just close my eyes and jump in. Because I know I can swim my way out whatever happens.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I’m so glad you felt all the love and support you deserved when you took the risk.

I know the feeling of fearing people will think less of you - I’m quite comforted seeing what a wonderfully kind and supportive community this is. These are people who will support you when you take the big swings!

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Yes, me too! I've met such wonderful people here, including you! 😁

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18 hrs agoLiked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I love your vulnerability, Robin. Putting yourself out there can be very difficult, particularly if we listen to the voice in our head.

Wendy, as I call her sometimes, can be very loud and noisy. She’s pretty rude sometimes, and a tends towards catastrophic worrying. She’s the one who pipes up with “but what if..?” scenarios when I have a full-bodied, heart-felt “yes” to things, but especially when I have a smaller, uncertain “yes”.

I am learning that the voice, Wendy or whoever, is not me. It’s a whole truckload of baggage, conditioning, societal norms, experiences, and shit that’s happened. It’s to try and keep me safe, of course, but all she does is keep me small. Cowering in a corner, frozen.

I’m learning to get behind the voice, to that place where I exist. The kernel of me. The wonderful, brave, bliss-full me.

There’s so much joy to be had. So much living to experience. What is failure, after all? Wendy would say it’s terrible. For the real me, it’s living ✨

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Thank you, Lisa! I once had a coach advise me to thank that inner voice (which, in my case, turned out to be a frightened inner child) for trying to keep me safe. It was one of the most powerful things someone ever said to me.

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