Sep 24Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Right you are, my dear Robin! I giggled a little when I read this, because I wrote a similar thought (if I lose this much weight, then my life will be okay) for my post that's publishing tomorrow. How did we ever get wired this way? Less is more, and more is better. Oy vey. xoxo

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I deliberately keep photos all over my house of me enjoying life at many different weights to remind myself that my weight has never actually corresponded with my life satisfaction. I'm working on letting myself be enough, in body and spirit. It ain't easy.

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Sep 24Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Sure isn't. But we're headed in the right direction! xo

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Sep 24Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

This letter hit home. Been battling that a lot this year. Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks Dawn! You are definitely not alone.

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Sep 24Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Tell us you’re a writer without telling us you’re a writer:

Includes the words “veritably shimmering” in their personal diary

You are so cute (and amazing) Robin.

Also, fantastic article. 💗

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😆 You’re too kind, Rose! I admit that when I came across that passage, I thought to myself, “Not bad, past me.”

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

This was a wonder reminder Robin!

I’ll have to reflect on my one thing 😅

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Thanks Jamal! I'm glad you found your way here.

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Sep 25Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

These kinds of messages can feel so pie-in-the-sky, and yet here you are, writing in such a grounded, personal way that I am feeling convinced <3

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Thanks Sarah! As I was writing this yesterday, I realized I've been having the exact same thoughts about my current situation: that if only this one thing changed, I'd finally be happy. It was sobering and hopeful to see the pattern play out in my life over the years, and a good reminder that I have what I need to be content right now, even in the midst of a great deal of mess and imperfection.

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Sep 25Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)


It’s part of our journey, isn’t it? We are constantly looking for things outside ourselves or are driven by “less than”. I am so happy to be more at ease with myself, my ever changing body (thanks perimenopause), and who I am.

Thanks for sharing your journey to being you 🌟

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Perimenopause is not for that faint of heart, but it does have its gifts. I am finding this, too.

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Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Considering 100% of half the population will go through it, there’s been so little good information until recently. And now there’s so much misinformation!

But I’m rolling (in sweat) with it and making glorious connections along the way! 🩷

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Sep 25Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Such a powerful, powerful piece! Thank you so much for sharing these profound thoughts here with all of us! I simply adore your writing! Thank you for these wonderful insights!!! ✍️👏💕🌈🤩

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Thank you, Rebecca! That's very kind of you. 😁

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