Jul 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I have a Peach tree. It's a little guy. Last year we had 3 Peaches and they were meh. This year we have baskets! They are so good. 🍑 Ironically, our tomatoes are Meh

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Yay! So glad you and your peach tree are in it for the long haul!

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Jul 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Oh, Robin! I love to read your newsletter; whatever you publish, I read because I know it will be good. It always is. But “Tomatoes and Fruit Trees” is my favourite so far!!! Thank you for your work 😊

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Oh my gosh, that's so kind, Jana. Thank you!

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Jul 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Great metaphor Robin! I live in an inner city apartment and mainly have succulents on my balcony (cos they look after themselves through all kinds of weather) though I’ve recently added some herbs and they are doing ok w/o too much attention from me. I do have a grape vine which we’ve let climb across the whole apartment block which gives abundant fruit in the summer. But I love the idea of fruit trees and your post is reminding me to go and buy that miniature lime tree I’ve had my eye on and I will give the tomatoes a go. I’m not a confident gardener but I love the idea of it and it’s a simple joy to harvest your own food.

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Thanks Jan! Mostly I grow flowers and indoor plants these days, but there's so much to be learned from tending plants and watching them grow. My plants teach me patience, acceptance, the value of consistency, and so many other things!

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Jul 29Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I love the metaphor! I guess for me, the first step is assessing which projects are tomatoes and which are trees so I'll be able to 1) set the right success measures for each one and 2) decide which ones I want to launch or keep running and which ones I can let go of.

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Great plan! I might actually borrow it this week. 😊

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Jul 29Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)


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Jul 28Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I love the metaphor! I’m gonna totally use it—I hope you don’t mind. My boss often struggles with the long-view of my suggestions! And now I’m wondering what fruit trees in my writing life I’ve ignored and need to focus on going forward. Thanks for the thoughtful message.

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Go for it! I actually came up with the metaphor to help MY former boss understand that he was perpetually under-investing in marketing.

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Wow, thank you Jana! That’s one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. 🥹

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