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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Author

As Sharon Hom (https://substack.com/@talkingcat88) wisely noted, there is, in fact, a fourth option, which we are now calling the Stella option: take a nap and let your subconscious figure it out.

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Jun 29Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

That picture made my day! Thank you!

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You’re welcome! I’m always happy to share cat pictures. 😺

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Jun 28Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Wait, I thought cats only pooped truffles and bon-bons… that’s what I dog tells me 🤣 Cute photo and appreciative message today!

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Ha! I’ll never forget the first time I saw a dog eat a litter box “snack.” I hadn’t fully believed it was a thing until that moment.

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Oh, it's thing, for sure! Dogs are cute, I adore them, but they're also kind of disgusting. I usually pretend I don't see it when it happens!

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