Someone told me the other day ’may we live in precedented times’ and I felt it in my core.

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Oof! Yes, I feel that, too.

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It's good to spend time with the comfortable and familiar. Take a rest. Pet sweet Stella. Read a book you've already read, and make something predictable for dinner.

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Sep 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I didn't know I needed to hear this today. I've been wading around in the dark for the past five years (or maybe my entire adult life idk) and it is so. fucking. exhausting. Let's allow ourselves to spend a while in our comfort zone too. Comfort zones are underrated. Today I'm gonna eat dinner leftovers, make some apple crumble and rewatch Firefly with a sleepy cat on my lap.

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Sep 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

* also, I love Stella

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I love her too! 😻 She is an expert at making every zone her comfort zone.

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Sep 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I have had to learn how to be better with uncertainty, but good GOD, I’d give it all for a little bit of certainty. 😂

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Right??? Like personal growth is all well and good yadda yadda, but does it really have to be all the damn time?

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Sep 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

It has been eight years of NON STOP chaos and I am like can we please be bored? Like, can I go a week without being like "okay, well, guess that crazy shit happened, cool I guess"

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I would very much like to set the heavy unknown down for a bit.

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Me too. Let's do it!

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Sep 26Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Yeah… fuck the unknown. The unknown is so annoying.

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LOL truer words

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Sep 28Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Thank you, ,Robin. I do have a couple of unknowns. One I'm good carrying, but the other - you mean I can just set it down? Just leave it until it's known? Wow - that's a relief. I'll try that!

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I know, right? It's like, wait, we can DO that?

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Sep 28Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

The unknown, like change, is scary. Literally anything could happen!

Being scared all the time is tiring, so I think it’s time for more sleep (with my cat curled up against/on me).

I totally get where you’re coming from in this. I think you’re being incredibly big and brave by doing new things, so a rest and recover day is certainly warranted!

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Thank you, Kathlyn! I really appreciate your kind words.

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Sep 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

It takes a lot of energy to hang out with the unknown. I'm looking forward to cool Autumn weather to just wrap myself in a blanket and read. The world can wait.

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Mm, that sounds positively dreamy.

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Sep 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I'm tired of the unknown too, Robin! Thank you so much for sharing, it makes it a little easier when you know you're not alone. Let's hope for some boring predictable stuff for us all.

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Cheers to that!

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Sep 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Feeling this big time! Also hearing a lot of “surrender, it’s the eclipse window” and I get it, I understand it, I do *embrace* the not knowing as much as I can but yes…it is exhausting. I want to know. I want to DO. I crave clarity and would be very okay with some predictability!

I will follow through on my plans to make a chai-der this weekend and embrace my warm cup while sitting in the cold autumn air on my deck 🍂 ☕️🧡 thanks for the invitation 🙏🏼

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Oooh, a chai-der sounds amazing. I hope you enjoy it with lots of coziness and no complication at all!

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Sep 27Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Oh yeah! I hear you. It’ll still all be there so it’s ok to ignore it for a while. Sweet cat 🐈‍⬛

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Author

Yes! All the unknowns will still be unknowns tomorrow. Today, I'm petting my cat.

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Hi Robin,

For 65 years, I felt it was more like, "Bracing myself for the unknown!"

Today, I choose to focus on the now and the people in it.



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