I had a great idea for today’s letter. It was interesting, provocative, mostly formed in my mind. I sat down to write, full of high expectations… and I just can’t.
Daylight savings wrecked my brain. It happens every year. I know it happens every year, yet I still wake up Monday morning (in the dark, ugh!) and expect myself to perform.
My therapist said something very smart a few weeks ago. She suggested that instead of fighting my natural rhythms and seasons, I could try to accept that they happen and maybe even plan for them to happen. She was talking about seasonal depression, but daylight savings counts, too.
It’s too late to plan this year, but I can acknowledge that for the rest of this week, I’m going to be off-kilter. I know this because it happens every year.
This year, however, I’m not going to fight it. I’m not going to tell myself I’m a wimp or overly sensitive for being so affected by the time change. I’m just gonna accept it, drink a little extra coffee, take an extra nap, and remember that I’ll (probably) be back to myself next week.
(As for that great post idea? Don’t worry, it’s saved in my drafts. You’ll still see it before too long.)
Ugh. Right there with you. SAD and all.
Both ends of the time change throw me off, and every year seemed to be worse. I retired 2 years ago and now I just ignore it. I’ve been much happier now that my inner clock rules. I’m also blessed to share my life with a cat who is content to sleep in with me!