Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Swoon. I love a library. I just went to the one by us for the first time. It’s quite literally 2 blocks away and I’ve lived here for almost 6 years. I’m horrified by myself. But we’ve gone every weekend we’ve been home since we first went. First time I only got books for A. As we’re walking home, he looked up at me and said, “but you didn’t get any.” When I finally did get my hands on a few, my gosh. What a feeling. I can sense I have a whole post on this. Seed pod, here I come. 😉

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I’m an avid patron of my local library, but I’ve never been in-person, either. It’s amazing that I can see a book, click “Borrow” and have it on my e-reader in seconds… but maybe I should go actually take a look at the shelves sometime.

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

The crinkle of the covers brings on a Pavlovian response I can only equate with drooling for me. 🤤

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Oh, I love that you discovered a new treasure just blocks away. You're not alone. There are so many places just a jaunt away that I have yet to explore. I can't wait to hear more about your library adventures! 💖📚

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Oh and that pic from that library from at University of Washington 😍😍 I’ve never been in a place like that. Bucket list for sure.

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

If you have a university or college nearby, find their main library and wander in. Then find the reading room. It's doubly ensconced away protected by students who are the official patrons but they are always open to the public and often gorgeous.

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I live very close to one. I did not know this was a thing I could. Thank you, Andrew!!

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What a lovely idea! Thanks for the inspiration! 💖

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Sixty years ago when I was young I remember walking many blocks with my mother to go to our local library. Getting a library card was a rite of passage, it meant you could read and would be responsible for the borrowing and returning of books. Bringing back a book late incurred a nominal charge, but it was a deterrent. Getting a library card was like getting a watch or driver's license. You were ready for the upgrade, in a sense. Timing makes things special. There was a card inside each borrowed book that you had to sign. Sometimes you would check out a book more than once and could see your written name amongst the list of others...often other kids you knew. One of my happiest memories is packing the many books on my sled to bring them home more easily. Libraries have always been a place of adventure and librarians have always been kind and helpful. Community sharing at it's best!

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Oh, wow! What an incredible journey and rite of passage. I remember signing my name to check out books at my school library as a child. So thrilling. Thank you for taking us on this journey through memory lane with you! 💖

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I’m honored. It’s a privilege to be included in this Seed Pod. Thank you. And you are so right, these are All Love letters. As I read each one the two most beloved libraries in my life came into view and like magic I was transported through their doors. Wonderful selections.

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I'm really glad you contributed, Kathy! The post wouldn't be the same without your quote.

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Sep 7Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Wow, this is so inspiring! I have a HUGE love for my local library.

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Sep 7Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I love these little glimpses! What a great idea to do a quotes round up (and so generous to share the idea!). It's incredible to see how all of these private, individual experiences of libraries add up to the overall communal mission of libraries.

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Thank you! I love libraries!!!!!!!

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Love Love Love! Yes, they are love letters to libraries. Now I need to write my own.

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I hope you do, and share it in our Seed Pods thread when it’s finished! 😊

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Robin speaking of library adjacent ... I realized my same favorite person in the pic has evolved to love used book stores which are a bit of a dying breed. Having been in a quite few recently - they have a distinct treasure hunter appeal as well but with a decidedly different vibe

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If you'd like to write about that for our Seed Pod, I think used book stores totally count!

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

I just realized I have an old post that fits and I'll update it for this, maybe with used book stores thrown in. Remember Humans of New York? Someone could do a super interesting piece on owners of used bookstores

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I loved Humans of New York! Doing this with used bookstores would be amazing!

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Sep 11Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Wonderful collection of love letters, Robin! Seriously, what would we do without libraries in our lives?

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Sep 8Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

so good to see all the library love!

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These incredible love letters and photos are gently reminding me of the beauty, creativity, and wonder that's sparked each time I set foot in a library and choose to turn the page. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💖

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Love these free little libraries!!!

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How lovely to read all these love letters to libraries. As a teenager, I spent summers volunteering at the library. I would make photocopies, put together prize bags for the summer reading program, and—best of all—reshelve books. You know the signs in the library: “please do not reshelve the books”? Ah, the thrill of being the one who’s allowed to go behind the librarians-only desk to retrieve the book cart, then lovingly restore each book to its proper place.

I'm in the process of opening my own bookshop in Italy, and the seeds of that project were definitely planted in my childhood library.

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Le sigh... reshelving books sounds like a dream! And now you're opening your own bookshop in Italy? What an adventure you're on, Sarah!

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

When I moved across country this summer, getting my new library card reminded me how it felt when i got my first library card as a child. So much joy, wonderment, and curiosity, knowing I had access to so many ideas and limitless worlds.

Librarians are like magicians who help me find new wonders and connect me to vital information. They are part of the essential quiet hub of the community. (Postal carriers, you too!)

Before moving from my previous town, I made sure to stop by and say good bye, thank you and give well wishes to the librarian whose friendliness and welcome I cherished through the past 8 years. One of the reference librarians was at the heart of building a community with drop in art and writing groups. Connectivity so precious after so much social isolation. 💖

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Yes, librarians are definitely magicians! Thank you for sharing this perspective, felice.

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

This is a joy. Lovely to be included. Thank you

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

It's nice to read other people's thoughts about libraries. That transformation that you mentioned in your own letter was what happened to me as I read about other people's experiences: "as each word slowly introduced me to myself, invited me to wonder who I might become next."

Reading is a precious medium to understand one another. I'm very glad to live in a place in time where libraries exist.

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Sep 2Liked by Robin Cangie (she/her)

Also, lol on the minor panic. Right after reading this, I couldn't help but edit my very complete post for Seed Pods. I hope you feel released now that this is out! You did great!

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🤣 Thanks Cheshir! It is a relief to have it done and out in the world. I can't wait to see your post about libraries!

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