Welcome to Creative Letters.

I’m Robin, and I’m a creative writer who daylights as a marketing consultant.

I’ve had lots of different jobs and identities over the years — awkward middle schooler, pretentious theater geek, aspiring academic, ethically conflicted marketing professional, even more ethically conflicted startup exec, and other stuff along the way.

But two things have stayed consistently true about me:

  1. I love cats.

  2. I am a creative writer.

The first, I’ve known since before I was fully sentient. The second, I discovered at the age of 8. Yet for vast stretches of my adult life, I did not write at all. Or I wrote as part of my job, or to build my personal brand, or for some other capitalism-sanctioned reason.

I started Creative Letters to help me get back in touch with the joy of creating for its own sake.

Every weekday, I send a short, daily letter of encouragement to all my fellow creatives. Keep going. You’re already good enough. 💜

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A daily note of encouragement for creative people doing hard things


I'm a writer who daylights as a marketing consultant. Creativity is a human right. Cat pictures are always welcome.